In search of the perfect s'more

The s'more is a fantastic campfire treat. The gooey marshmallow mixes with the melting chocolate and graham cracker to make a pretty unique taste.

I've eaten dozens and loved each bite.

I was browsing Instagram on National S'mores Day (August 10th!) and I saw many mouth watering combinations I'd never considered.

Maybe there's a perfect s'more out there? I had to investigate. For science, you understand.

I started by replacing the graham cracker with a croissant, and adding sliced strawberries.

That was really good. And bonus, it doesn't feel bad for you. It has fruit! The chocolate and strawberries go so well together, and the roasted marshmallow made it feel like a campfire treat. It felt a little less like a s'more though.

If chocolate and strawberries work, what about pineapple? People dip pineapple in chocolate all the time, so why not a s'more?

There's chocolate in there, I promise.

The pineapple was very sweet. Too sweet for me. It stole the show, overwhelming all of the other tastes.

Let's take a step back from the fruit and think about the chocolate. My family loves Reese's Peanut Butter Cups. Let's throw a big peanut butter cup on a marshmallow and try it.

This was a favorite for us. Peanut butter, chocolate, marshmallow. So delicious. You definitely feel guilty eating one of these, and we tested this one several to double check our results.

Croissant or graham cracker? Both are great. It's easier to get everything sandwiched together with a graham cracker.

After all of these experiments, I went back to the original to see if it would hold up. It wasn't as exciting or fancy as the others, but there's something about the classic s'more that's just so hard to beat. The original has stood the test of time, and it may be difficult to improve upon. But the search isn't over. The perfect s'more could still be out there, and I'm going to keep tasting.

For science of course.

by Nathan BowyerNathan Bowyer

let nature nurture you